Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thinking while tired

I don't think its a great idea to think while tired but that seems to be the only option lately. Im going to work on catching up on some sleep that I seem to be missing. Its not any ones fault I get up so early and feel like I need to stay up later than I should just so I can have some down time. I think maybe I can start to do that differently. As Im writting this I am coming up with some ideas I might try. Maybe on lighter days I can work out in the afternoons allowing me to sleep. Hummmm it might work.

Well enough boobing. I am close to finishing up on the last part of my first slipper. For some reason I slowed way down on finishing it up once I figured out its not too tricky. But with that said I did find the cuff a bit hard to understand so hopefully it will work out once I felt it. I really want to felt it before the other one is done but that doesn't seem like the smartest idea i've had. I think I might start a bag next. I got some really amazing patterns from Noni and have been avoiding them so I would have to say its probably time to face them. They are so pretty. I want to start a new swap that includes a bag knitted for your swappy so that might be helpful. Im somewhat hesitant to jumping into that swap because Im worried about knitting under pressure. Which when I think about it is really silly. So onward we go.

We were so busy being social this weekend that I think that also has something to do with being so tired. I am not a social person so needed to be "on" for that long is not good for me. I don't do well. I hate feeling like i need to "perform" for everyone so I avoid those situations as long as I can. I feel like I have money in the bank right now so I shouldn't have to be social for a while. Ok I better get myself off to work. Good day

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