Friday, June 6, 2008

Family Visit

Well we're back from our short family visit. The visit included my mom, sister, her son, myself and my son. It was a nice time to see everyone. We had fun but when I list the things we did its short. Its funny we just spent most of our time hanging out with each other. The boys got along great which was nice. Of course they had their moments but overall it was really nice. I got some knitting done too. I finished my BBQ swap gift right before we left so I didn't cast on anything new. I brought the socks I've been working on for a while. They are my back-up knitting project which reminds me of the back up "girlfriend/boyfriend". But either way I got them worked on. I am close to finishing up the first sock. I have a confession I knitted while I was driving. It was a long straight road so there wasn't any fear of getting in "trouble". I can't lie I loved it. It really helped the time go by fast. I wouldn't do that in town or another other time when there is alot of other cars. This particular stretch of road you only see about 2 cars every 20 minutes. It really helped the time go fast. I also listened to my podcast. Today I listened to She-Knits. I like her she is easy to listen too. I got new yarn when we where in Ketchum which is really nice and will make the socks my son has been asking for. It has all his required colors. He's in to the idea of knitting. I finds it pretty cool that mom can knit yarn and make something from it. So as long as he doesn't get upset about it Im good. We'll anyways its good to be back.

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