Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Favorite - Esty

Yea, I figured out how to do a favorites list on esty. YEA. Its under graham27. That was so much fun. Im glad I figured it out.

I have been so busy at work that Im feeling a bit nutty. Its not like anything new or huge is going on but I think all of my clients have just being feeling needy which is ok that is one reason why I do what I do. Its ok really I don't mind being busy. I makes the day go fast. I feel kind of out of the loop on other parts of my life but nothing huge. I love my work I really do. Im lucky to get to do what I do. I get to help kids and see the help actually work out. Rarely in my field do we get to see the good. Im lucky I get to see them do good but then we get to see them leave and try it out there. Out there in the "real" world and they don't do so good. But I know that I have done my best. I got a graduation card from one of my old clients. She taught me how much I don't really know and boy she was so hard. OMG she was hard. But she seems to of settled down. She's graduated high school so that's a start. When a client relaspes it's really hard to deal with but I have to remind myself that their first relapse is rarely their last. Its like they are testing the fates of the gods and need to prove to themselves that they really are addicts. Its a tough world to work with. I had no idea this was going on inside. I started this post talking about my small success of posting a favorites list. I guess I needed to talk about this.

1 comment:

Beach Knitter said...

how do you view someone elses etsy favorites? i looked at my own favorites and then tried to look at someone elses and couldn't figure it out. i'll keep trying! Do you have a wishlist on Amazon?