Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Email Trouble

Ok I have to vent. I logged on yesterday to my MSN account and found that I had 55 error messages. Well this has happened before but not to this degree. There is "someone" sending emails from my email address and it looks like its coming from me. UGH. So I signed back on last night and guess what MSN has closed my account. Part of me is glad because maybe they'll find the problem but part of me feels like of lost. I use that account a fair amount but something about not being to email someone is kind of strange. I have put in a request to MSN to reinstate my account but will have to wait to hear what they have to say about it. Its a weird thing to think about. I have another account that I can use but don't want everyone to switch over if I don't have too. Its really something for me to think about because I really like the idea of emailing over calling. I actually hate talking on the phone. Its a strange dislike but I have it none the less. Anyways Im keeping my fingers crossed that I'll hear from MSN later today stating the account has been reinstated.

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