Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm surprised how excited I am about tomorrow. I actually don't care that much about who everyone votes for I just want them to vote. Its weird but I would feel a bad for McCain because I like him. I don't like Sarah but I think he is a pretty good guy. I wonder if he regrets picking her. Oh well I'm sure it was well thought out. So if McCain does win I can live with that as long as I don't have to hear Sarah talk. Just her voice is annoying.

Other than tomorrow life is good. We are suppose to get a big storm tomorrow and I love a good storm. The family is great. Its nice to have Brian back so now Riley has his play pal home. I have to remind him at times that he's really his dad not his play pal. But I'm glad he's home.

We have a girls weekend planned next weekend and I'm looking forward to that. I don't think I've done that in years. So it should be fun. My plan is to knit, sleep, eat, drink, knit. Maybe I'll even convert some non-knitters over to the dark side.


Kelly said...

What's a girl weekend?


Bram said...

Your so funny. It literally took us a year to plan it. Everyone is so darn busy.