Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busy Weekend

So over this extended weekend I finally got around to re-doing the basement bathroom. The woman who owned our home before us use to run a daycare out of the basement part of the home. So needless to say much of the basement needed to be redone completely. So after getting burnt out on home repairs I got to the basement bathroom. I have to say I'm pretty happy with the results. I had a few moments of doubt but those are done. See the pictures below to see what I started with and what I finished with. Its not completely done but its close.

Now on to this next week. Tomorrow morning I'm going to be doing a polygraph for this potential new job. Its nuts how much I have to do to get this job. I'm not even sure I want the job but part of this process has actually been kind of interesting in terms of just seeing the work that these people have to go through. I still hope I get the job but the thrill is kind of wearing off and I mostly just want out of my current job. I'm not so sure that's the best plan but its what I've got. Once I tell my boss that I'm quitting things could go bad to worse. They have a long history of treating those who quit on them poorly and I can't see that changing because of me. So part of me is really looking forward to getting that over with. I don't like to upset people if I can avoid it. That is one of my problems I've been working on. More to go.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your bathroom is gorgeous! I loved how you used the existing fixtures and made them work and look more modern:)