Sunday, September 7, 2008

Where has all the time gone

Ok its September already and I have fallen behind in my life. I don't usually fall behind in my own life. At work I see it happen and its somewhat manageable but when its my life it kind of gets out of control before I actually notice. UGH. So I'm back on track but a bit upset that I allowed that to happen. I will actually be a few days late on a swap and I just don't do that kind of thing. This is upsetting to me. I don't like that. I'll get myself caught up I know I will but I don't like letting people down. Poor me.

Ok I'm done feeling bad for myself. Today is a great day and its beautiful outside. I am working on getting my son caught up for his second week in kindegarten. He has alot of paperwork that has to be filled out so I'm working on coming up with a plan for organzing things. Once I'm organized it goest alot better.

Its fun to see him be so grown up. Having him go to kindgarten wasn't hard for me. I hear how mom's cry and are so sad about it but it wasn't that way. I think it has to do with mind set. I've always known we were only having one so I found that exciting day, just that exciting. I can't wait to see what the next year brings us.

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