Monday, May 26, 2008

Closer to a perfect knitting day

Today it rained and it was glourious. We loved it. So much was done that maybe we wouldn't of tackled unless it was raining out. The creek was running and the rain came down. It was perfect. We cleaned, picked up and organized as we should of done months ago but never came around to doing. It not like we completed a huge amount of work and desire kudo's but we happy we got to projects we didn 't want to tackle unless there was a reason and the sky's provided that reason. We ot some clothes packed up and some organizing that we have been neglecting. Would you notice if you walked into the house, probably not but we know and we are happy with that. Did I get any knitting done, no is the answer but that is ok I took care of things that get in the way of my knitting so its ok. Tomorrow I will have less clutter getting in the way of my knitting so many that is when I will get to finish the one sock and cast on the other that has been waiting for attention so patiently.........

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