Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ok I have a slight dilemma. I "might" get this new job, YEA me. But its only a "might". The dilemma is that I already have the state of mind that I've got the job. UGH. What if I don't get it? Plus what if I don't like the job. What if working there is worse than my current job. I think I learned that job this last time. I shouldn't of left but now I know that. I'm now not leaving for selfish reasons. I'm leaving because I want too. I really think I'm ready to move on. I think after talking to you about this I feel better. There still is the possibility that I won't get this job. Wow that would be such a bummer. Now what if I get it and they pay me crap. That would suck too. I guess the moral of the story is I haven't burnt my bridges so far and I'm trying so hard not too. But its SO hard. UGH.

What if I don't get it? Hummmmm I will really need to take an inventory of my life. I did start a second job at a company I LOVE. At least I think so. I love their ideas and their premise when it comes to recovery. I love that they use the Four Agreements as a way to get clean. I so agree that is such a good idea. So I get to work there once a week. Soon I hope it to be more than that. I am hoping that soon it will be new clients often. I really like the work and think I could be a really good match for them. Believe me I've told them what I a great fit I would be. They are still trying to figure that out. Its a good company but its a small company so that is so similar to what I want to leave so I need to be careful. I need to create an LLC which I have no idea how to do plus do my own taxes. UGH.

Ok I feel better. Plus I have the next 5 days OFF. Yea Me

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