Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hi, Ok my wonderful husband and myself are going on a much needed vacation together starting on Saturday. My dilema is do I bring my work phone with me or not. I can't tell you how much I want to leave it but I have this tyrantt of a boss who might loss his mind if I don't answer a call immediately. So what I think I might do is bring it, have it turned off, leave a VERY clear msg that I'm not available and then from there check it about every 3rd day. That should be just fine. I don't like my job but I love the kids I work with so I don't want them to suffer due to my choices. UGH. I need to go knit and sip this evening. Ta ta

1 comment:

Jean in Georgia said...

Hmmm. That's always a toughie. Can you change your voice mail message on it stating you'll be checking messages once a day and returning calls then? That might keep them from thinking you're always "available". It's what I had to end up doing one time.

Hope you have a good trip!