Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Falling For Ewe Autumn Yarn Swap Questionnaire


1) Do you knit or crochet? How long have you been at your craft? - I love knitting. I have been doing it for the last 2 years but really into it for the last 1.

2) Do you spin? What type of spinning do you do? - I don't spin. I don't spin in fear of starting another obsession.

3) Are there any other crafts that you participate in? - No just the one obsession at the time.

4) What are your favorite yarns/fibers? - Sock yarn from the I also love malabrigo worsted weight.

5) What are your LEAST favorite yarns/fibers? - Acrylic or yarn from the big stores

6) Are there any types/brands of yarn that you are dying to work with but haven’t gotten a chance? - Fleece Artist - Sea Silk

7) What are your favorite types of projects to knit/crochet? - felted bags, socks and I want to try cartigans but haven't taken the leep yet.

8) What are you currently working on? Anything you plan to start this autumn? A bag for a swappee and some socks are what I'm working on right now. I think I would like to do another bag.

9) What is your favorite FO? (Please, post a picture if you would like.) Oh I love the msg bag I made from the book "Knit 2 Together" its so great I use it every day.

10) What is your oldest UFO? - one pair of socks so far. I try so hard to finish what I started but I struggle with that. I think they are a year old.

11) Are their any knitting/crochet techniques that you would like to learn? I think I want to learn intarsia.

12) Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Yes I am, I wear a size 8 1/2

13) Do you have a yarn winder and/or a swift? I don't have either.

14) Where/how to you keep you needles/hooks? I keep them in a bag and in a file cabinet.

15) Do you collect anything? Nothing other than yarn

16) What is your favorite type of music? Are you MP3 ready? I love Van Morrison, Cure, Coldplay, yes I have an iPod

17) Do you like sweets? What are your favorites? Love milk chocolate

18) What is your living situation like? Any pets? Children? I live with my amazing husband and the greatest 5 year only child little boy and a 7 year old German Shehpard.

19) Are you allergic to anything? Nothing but cigarette smoke and I don't mix at all.

20)Do you have an online wish list (Amazon, Etsy, Loopy Ewe, etc.)? Please include links for your swap pal. Yes I do on Etsy and Loopy Ewe

21) Are you having a birthday during this swap? - No

22) What is your Ravelry ID? - Graham27

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